
27 December, 2016

NYC: Christmas in NYC

Christmas in New York brought on a whole new excitement about the city for me. I've always loved Christmas, it is my favourite time of the year and I was feeling apprehensive about my first Christmas away from home. In fact the start of December I'd just returned to the city from a trip back home and New York's Christmas cheer really helped me overcome the homesickness and tears from saying goodbye.

Everywhere was extra lit up and extra sparkly. There are tree lots on every second corner and decorations hung from anywhere and everywhere possible. So where do you begin if you are visiting at Christmas time? Below are a few of my favourites:

Picking out a Christmas tree

A Christmas tree is a must and I haven't had a real Christmas tree since I was very young, which is slightly disappointing since the smell of a Christmas tree is one of my favourites. And when it comes to living in New York a real tree is really the only way to go! As, where would we keep a fake one all year round when we are not using it?!

All across the city are tree lots everywhere and we were lucky enough to have one right across the road from us. Ed insisted on getting one of the tallest ones, 8 foot to be exact, which also meant it left him with the tough job of lugging it across the road and through the building into our living room. I've been obsessed with it ever since though!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

As an Aussie snow isn't a common sight, the temperature reaching below 10 degrees celsius isn't really a common sight so to experience the snow fall for the first time was such an exciting experience. Exciting enough to forget that I'm freezing my t*ts off and that the temperature is below zero. However, the fun slowly begins to wear off when you are slip and sliding on the ice and the snow begins to melt and you step in a nice big freezing cold puddle!

The Nutcracker

I've never been to the ballet before and what better way to introduce myself to it. I love dances and performances so I had an inkling  I'd really enjoy the ballet, and that I did! The Nutcracker was a very likeable performance, with spectacular costumes and even more spectacular dances. It was filled with familiar music that I grew up hearing and had a very light hearted, easy to follow story line. It's a must see!

Visit NYC Ballet to purchase tickets.

Bryant Park

Bryant Park is transformed into a winter wonderland in the Christmas time, with market stalls scattered all around the park and a big ice skating rink smack bang in the middle. The skating rink is free to skate at but the prices for skate rentals and a locker more than make up for that. It can get busy on the ice but in my opinion is a must do, at least once! There are also plenty of food stalls about with all types of delicious foods and hot choccie to replenish your energy after gliding along the ice.

For more information visit Bank of America Winter Village.

Rockefeller Tree

This would have to be top of the list if you are visiting New York at Christmas time! It gets very busy around the Rockefeller and I have no tips for avoiding the crowds, just to suck it up and endure it. The Rockefeller also has a great big skating rink at the bottom of the tree and you will have to buy tickets for skating entry here, which is good as the rink does not get over crowded but bad as you may have to wait a while before you can get on the ice.

To plan ahead visit The Rink at Rockefeller Centre.

Shop Fronts

Catch the subway to 5 Ave/59 St, first take in the view of Central Park once you emerge from the station, peek into the tree at The Plaza and then take a stroll down 5th avenue peering into all the shop front windows at their Christmas displays. My personal favourite are the windows at Tiffany and Co, just one of the diamond rings they have on display there is breathtaking and probably worth about $50,000US. Now that I think about it, that ring would look great on my finger ;-)

Union Square Holiday Market

Union Square generally have some kind of market going on year round but the Holiday Market is a good spot to pick up some trinket-y style gifts and good stocking fillings. They have everything from New York themed ornaments to prints to handmade jewellery. The unfortunate thing about when I visited is there was a power outage about 5 minutes into looking and the whole market and market alone lost power and business very quickly.

For more information on vendors visit Urbanspace Union Square Holiday Market.

Merry Christmas All! Tis' a wonderful time of year!

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