
23 June, 2016

NYC: Lunch To Go

During the week I find it much easier to stick to a good food routine and keep my eating as healthy and clean as possible. When I was living in Oz I would always pre-pack my lunch and snacks the night before, this way I knew what I had to eat the next day and could ensure I would never over-eat. As  I am only two months into living in New York, I unfortunately have not got myself into the preparation groove just yet. Partially due to the fact that I am currently in temporary living arrangements and am yet to invest in any containers or tupperware.

Once I settle into a permanent living arrangement I have every intention to get myself back into a good food preparation routine; but for the moment I have found some great spots to get a nutritious meal while on the go.

My weekday lunch breaks generally begin with a trip to the gym for a workout and then swinging by one of the below restaurants to pick up my lunch to help me re-fuel and get through the afternoon.

This was my first go to place I found. I'd never seen a sushi place like this in Australia before and was so excited by the concept. You get your tray and then they have a wall of Sushi you can choose from all separately packaged so you can mix and match your rolls as much as you like. They also offer other delicious options such as various types of bento bowls, seaweed or Japanese style salad and green tea soft serve.

Kobeyaki is primarily Japanese cuisine but you can really get a little of everything here and the best part is, it is right across the road from my gym. My top picks on the menu are the brown rice bowl or the green salad with teriyaki chicken. My favourite thing about the green salad is; it reminds me of the crunchy chicken salads I would make back home with my bestie Lor.

Juice Press
Juice Press is more of a breakfast or snack favourite for me. I often swing by here on my way to work to pick up an acai bowl or drop in throughout the day to pick up some cacao balls to snack on and cure my chocolate cravings. This place is also a favourite to the stars so I have my fingers crossed for a celebrity spotting one day.

Creative Salad Company and that it is! This is another concept I have not seen in Australia before. Basically you can build your own salad or choose from one they have already pre-designed, move along to the next station and they will chop the salad right in front of you, choose your dressing and how much you like and you are on your way. My favourite here is the mexican caesar, I love the tasty tortilla chips they mix through it.

Just Salad
Just Salad is very similar to Chop'T as it follows the same concept, however I don't know which one came first?! Another thing I love about these salads, which I did not mention before, is the big plastic bowls they come in, just like the ones you always see the Kardashians eating. My favourite pick here is the Thai Chicken Salad.

Bluestone Lane Café
Bluestone Lane Café is a favourite of mine all round. You'll find me here in the mornings picking up a coffee, at lunch grabbing an earth bowl and in the afternoon swinging by for an iced latte. Bluestone Lane Café is a place where I can feel at home as it was started up by Aussie's and serves up vegemite, avo smash and a good ol' fashioned Aussie iced latte, meaning it has ice cream in it!

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